VTC Registration & Licensing

All vocational training providers in the Republic of South Sudan are requested to register with the MoL. There will be no fees involved in the registration. Incentives such as ?

Registered VT providers are expected to keep records of trainees and graduates disaggregated by sex, age, level of education and type of programme and need to submit an Annual Report to the MoL at the end of each year.


After registration, VT providers should apply for accreditation of each training programme they run. Accreditation will subsequently allow them to issue nationally recognized certificates signed by the MoL, as described in chapter 3. While the process is implemented by the MoL, the VT Council is mandated to accredit training programs. Accreditation of a VT programme will involve the following criteria which will be developed into specific indicators for each training area in more detail by the VT Council. 

•    Each training provider should have at least one instructor with a recognized qualification
•    Appropriate instructor-trainee ratios
•    Training premises 
•    Tools and equipment
•    Record keeping of trainee attendance
•    Maintenance records of tools and equipment 
•    Waste management
•    Record keeping of income and expenditure
•    Trainee Council
•    Advisory Board 
•    Community Support Group