Hoth admits the presence of migrant workers need vibrant management .The Minister of Labour James Hoth Mai admits present of large migrants’ workers in South Sudan that need vibrant management to benefit the country. Hoth echoed in a recent one-day National Technical Working Group (TWG) on Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Program for South Sudan.
“We have numbers of migrants’ workers crossing from difference border points into South Sudan moving from place to place, our focus is to have their skills for development,” James Hoth explain.
In his key notes address; James Hoth Mai confirmed government commitment to support implementation of the Better Regional Migration Management project to realize tangible benefits to the people of South Sudan.
“I would like to reiterate the government commitment and political will to support ILO project, as South Sudan is a transit for many aliens, where some of these labour migrants move from East and Horn of Africa through South Sudan to Libya, Egypt, Iraqi and many other parts of the world,” Minister said.
Hoth applauded the support of the ILO for extending and implementing this project in the East and Horn of Africa in which South Sudan today is one of the beneficiaries. Adding that statistic shown that South Sudan host large number of foreigners and remains one of the countries of origin and destination with migrants’ workers.
Minister assured that the Technical Working Group (TWG) for BRMM project will operate the management structure and guarantee better coordination among key partners in South Sudan for effective, efficient and timely implementation of the project.
Hoth Mai emphasized on the significance of right use and management of those migrants’ workers to benefit the country with the skills and services they bring such as engineers, doctors, and many others. “As a country we need to benefits from those aliens and people in diasporas to come and support us in developing this nation.” Hoth said.
The chairperson of South Sudan Employers Association, Bol Andrew applauded on the initiative of getting better ways of managing aliens in the country to render employment opportunities to local people.
Bol added that there is need to develop and use of good policies that can bring alliances of foreigners in South Sudan to cooperate with the Employers’ Association as well as Workers Trade Union Federation. He pointed out that government need to develop such policy to regulate and manage the migrant workers in the country.
The training was organized by the Ministry of Labour to form National Technical Working Group, which was to be supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO) with financial assistant from United Kingdom Aid.
The purpose of the training is to strengthen coordination among the tripartite bodies and key stakeholders in the execution of the ILO supported Labour Migration Management Project in South Sudan.