The Directorate of Vocational Training over sees the vocational training institutional development and operations of the vocational training centres. Vocational training promotes skills acquisition through competency-based training with proficiency testing for employment or self-employment, sustainable livelihoods and responsible citizenship.
Develop policy framework, regulate the trainings and operations of vocational skills training responsive to labour market and employment support.
Quality skills development and training responsive to the labour market and employment
To provide guidance, direction and regulations for an effective and efficient vocational training system that promotes equitable access to quality vocational skills development and employment.
Challenges to the Directorate of Vocational Training
- Inadequate policies for vocational skills training
- High cost of VT infrastructure; equipment; and starter kits
- Inadequate qualified Instructors
Vocational Training Centres Departments:
- Administration of vocational Training Centers VTCs
- Department of Policy Planning and Institutional Development
- Department of Inspectorate
- Department of Curriculum and Trade Development
- Competency Assessment, Trade, Test and Examinations
- Inspectorate
- Quality Assurance & Skill Standard
- Vocational Training Centers
- Registration & Licensing

Directorate of Vocational Training & Skills Development, MoL, RSS
Phone: +211 (0) 928 486 861
Mobile: +211 (0) 928 486 861
Email: |
Government of South Sudan
Ministry of Labour, Ministries Complex, Ministries Rd
Juba, South Sudan
Core Functions
Vocational Training Centres Functions are:
- Conduct vocational training in the country.
- Administer trade tests and award certificates.
- Undertake needs assessment to establish vocational skills required in the country.
- Participate in the development of vocational training curriculum.
- Initiate customized/tailor-made training programmes.
- Participate in budget preparation for the VTCs.
- Manage, account and report on the institutional resources and performance.